
Delivery is made from our warehouse in France .

Delivery time varies depending on the country of destination:

- Standard Delivery: 1 - 3 weeks

- Fast Delivery: 3 - 7 days

- Express Delivery: 1 - 3 days

Our tents are shipped from our warehouse in Asia or France by Fedex, TNT or UPS.

The delivery time for standard delivery is 15 - 30 days and for express delivery 3 - 14 days.

Orders are shipped to the delivery address indicated at the time of ordering. Any change of address must be reported to customer service by email ( no more than 2 hours after the order. After this period, neither La Poste nor SAM AND LOULOUTE can be held responsible for non-delivery due to an incorrect or incomplete delivery address. In this case, no refund or redelivery is possible.

In case of absence during delivery, the package is left in your mailbox or at the parcel relay. However, if the package is returned to the sender, you will be charged the shipping costs associated with shipping and returning the package (even if the initial shipping costs were free) as well as a 25% handling/restocking fee of the total order amount. For tents, €300 for standard delivery and €400 for express delivery as well as a 25% handling/restocking fee of the total order amount.

If, however, the package arrives damaged, a defect must be reported, or its non-receipt within the time limits indicated, SAM AND LOULOUTE invites you to report this problem by email within 14 days. An investigation is carried out by SAM AND LOULOUTE with the carrier and may take several days. During this period, no refunds or returns can be made. Once the results are known, if the fault is linked to the carrier or the manufacturer, the order is replaced or refunded.

In the event that you refuse the package, following a change of mind, the shipping costs and return costs will be deducted from your refund even if the initial shipping costs were offered as well as 25% management fees / restocking of the total amount of the order.

Customs fees

Please note that we are not responsible for any customs fees applicable to standard international packages. All applicable duties, tariffs and customs charges are the responsibility of the customer.

In the event of refusal, SAM AND LOULOUTE will invoice you for all transport costs linked to shipping (even if the initial shipping costs were free) and to the return of the package as well as 25% management / restocking costs of the total amount of the command. For tents, €300 for standard delivery and €400 for express delivery will be charged to you as well as 25% management/restocking fees of the total order amount.

Return and Refund

In accordance with article L.121-21-8.3° of the French Consumer Code, the buyer has 14 days from the date of receipt to return their order. All returns received after this deadline will be refused, and you will have to pay delivery costs for returning the package as well as a €15 handling fee.

The items must be returned in their original packaging, with their label and any accessories, in perfect resalable condition. Items that are incomplete, damaged, or have visibly been used cannot be returned.

Return costs are your responsibility as well as customs fees if applicable .

Our offices in Vincennes are open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM, to receive parcels. If the carrier attempts delivery outside of these hours and leaves the package at a pickup point, we will unfortunately not be able to retrieve it. It is the customer’s responsibility to contact the carrier and request that they collect the package from the pickup point and redeliver it.

You can use the carrier of your choice to return your package. However, we strongly advise you to opt for an option with tracking to ensure a secure delivery and avoid any loss. We recommend that you use a reliable and efficient carrier such as DHL, UPS or FedEx, which offer accurate tracking and faster service. However, we do not recommend the services of the Post Office, which can be less reliable.

Personalizable jewelry as well as limited editions and custom-made items cannot be exchanged or refunded.

Regarding the return of tents, costs related to delivery to the customer when ordering will be deducted from the refund. €150 for standard delivery and €200 for express delivery.

Upon receipt of the return of your order, you will receive a notification email. SAM AND LOULOUTE undertakes to reimburse you according to the payment method used within 14 days.

To find out the steps to follow for returning your order here .